Wednesday 29 February 2012

Little Kitchen Scrubbie

 Shani's Little Kitchen Scrubbie

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Here is the pattern:

Using dish cloth cotton and size 5 needle.
Gage is not so important

Cast on about 200 stitches (the more stitches the fuller your scrubbie will be)

Row 1:  K2tog to end of row
Row 2:  K to end of row

Repeat these 2 rows  (ending on row 2) until you have 1 stitch left.

Cast off and seam


  1. I shall start one immediately!

  2. Hi there, this looks really great would love to try but I am sure I am going to get stuck on the cast off and seam. Would you please elaborate a bit on how to seam it up? Thanks so much!

  3. I'm sure this obvious, but how do we seam it? I am relatively new to knitting so usually need things explained in detail. :) I LOVE the idea!!!!!
